
Short trip to Hamburg

Cyhoeddwyd: 09.08.2021

Germany is also beautiful - and one of the most beautiful cities in Germany (in our opinion) is the Hanseatic city of Hamburg.

Especially in summer, you can stroll wonderfully at the landing bridges, have an Astra drink here and eat a fish sandwich there. Throwing and sausage stalls, musicians and artists. There is something for all 5 senses.

Sunset, soap bubbles and the world is beautiful
Sunset, soap bubbles and the world is beautiful

We spent a weekend (Friday-Sunday) here and enjoyed the atmosphere of the city. Our top recommendations for a nice weekend in Hamburg are the following:

1) a boat trip through the harbor and the warehouse district. To get to the warehouse district, make sure to actually take a small boat. And also pay attention to the tides. Depending on the water level, you can go further or not at all into the warehouse district.

2) a visit to the Miniatur Wunderland. Definitely plan enough time here to see and examine everything. And if you're already there - right next to it is the Speicherstadt Kaffeerösterei. There you can get super delicious Franzbrötchen!

3) strolling at the landing bridges. There are street performers and stalls. There's definitely something for everyone.

4) a visit to the beach bar Pauli. Definitely our favorite bar. The best thing: whether it's winter or summer, the beach bar is always open and also offers breakfast.

5) walking through the old Elbe tunnel once. And see Hamburg from a different perspective on the other side. There is a viewpoint on the other side and with an Astra it's a great place to hang out.

For us, Hamburg is definitely worth a visit more often.

View of the harbor from Hotel Hafen Hamburg
View of the harbor from Hotel Hafen Hamburg

Ps: Moin is enough, Moin Moin is already babbling :-)


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