
New LED Lighting for BZT Frauenfeld

Cyhoeddwyd: 06.11.2024

On Monday and Tuesday, I was deployed at the TBZ construction site in Frauenfeld. The vocational school is renovating some rooms on the ground floor for robotics, Loxone, building automation, as well as Medtech and STEM. On Monday morning, we had to unpack the delivery of lights from 3 pallets and bring the tracks into their respective rooms. After the morning break, we started measuring and assembling the mounting clips. The work was a lot of fun, and by Tuesday, we were nearly finished. We installed, equipped, and put into operation 82m of LED light tracks. Furthermore, we measured and installed the 26 suspension points for an additional 62m of light tracks using a laser level. It was exciting for me because the new LED lights are handled completely differently than the fluorescent lamps, of which I had probably installed several kilometers 20 years ago. It was also interesting because I had already taught safety consulting (SIBE) in this very school building.


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