Ein Floh entdeckt die Welt
Ein Floh entdeckt die Welt

My first glimpse of the USA

Cyhoeddwyd: 03.03.2019

I've been looking forward to this all week - today we finally visited the Niagara Falls, which we reached without major traffic jams.

Even though the weather wasn't very kind to us, the sight was still impressive. At times, the view was heavily obscured by snow, making the American side no longer visible. Despite a significant part being frozen, we were able to get a glimpse behind the falls. However, they were somewhat disappointing as both viewpoints were completely covered in ice.

Afterwards, we dropped off Micha at the airport and said goodbye as she continued on to London.

The question of what we wanted to do for the rest of the afternoon and evening was quickly answered - with this weather, we headed to the next outlet center with great success.

Back at the apartment, I had to pack my bags - tomorrow we're going to New York! First, I showed off all my new acquisitions and then came the moment of truth - what does the luggage scale say??? I did it: perfect landing. No overweight! Now I just have to be careful not to buy too many souvenirs in the next two weeks so it stays that way.

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#niagara falls, shopping, schnee, eis