
Manila - Arrival is the order of the day

Cyhoeddwyd: 14.05.2017

After the flight time passed relatively quickly, we had to deal with the first ATMs at the small but clearly crowded Manila Airport. It took a whopping 6 machines until we finally had some money in our hands. During the bus ride to our hostel, Malate Pensionne, we also had our first encounter with the somewhat chaotic traffic conditions - we probably won't rent a car ourselves here - found the very nice hostel right away and had our first snack in the neighborhood.

The next day, the goal was clear: get up with the sun and explore Manila. However, we still had to catch up on the missing hours of sleep, so we didn't set off until late morning, which resulted in the midday heat bringing us to our knees and we only visited Rizal Park and the air-conditioned Ocean World. Back in the hostel in the evening, big plans were made for the next day

The first challenge was, once again, getting money and catching the bus. This was followed by a comfortable 2-hour bus ride south to Tagaytay. There, we were actually put into a tricycle, which dropped us off after a 20-minute drive down the serpentines at the lake, in the middle of which the volcano is located. Only a surprisingly expensive boat ride and our first joint hike could begin. While most tourists were carried up by relatively small horses, which were to be pitied, we made our own footprints in the volcano ash. Almost like a sport at 36 degrees and relatively steep ascents. A little exhausted, we finally reached the top and could enjoy the view over the crater lake. Conclusion: It was exhausting, but definitely worth it.

For us, the return journey went relatively directly to the night bus heading north. Hopefully, there will be more pleasant temperatures waiting for us there (almost even a bit cold) and pure nature.

Pictures will come when we leave the pure nature again (we don't have good network here).


Adroddiadau teithio Pilipinas