
Morston - Blakeney

Publikováno: 08.10.2022

At Blakeney you can watch seals and book boat tours for this purpose. I would prefer dolphins, but there's always something

We arrive in Moreston at the harbor, the weather is holding up despite a bad forecast.

During low tide, we take a walk until the tide allows the boats to sail out later

Unfortunately, it starts pouring rain just as we depart. We put on a brave face.

And we set off

In the distance, a rainbow, we sit in the rain and are soaked to the bone.

Finally the seals in the water, it is difficult to photograph them because they just stick their heads out, look at us, and then dive back in.

Schnuffi slept in the warm bus and is surprised to see his humans soaking wet.

Later we drive to a camping spot in the forest, next to a large pig farm.


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