
Uyuni: Salt as far as the eye can see

Publikováno: 23.04.2018

In Tupiza we started the big adventure: Uyuni, the salt flat. Our guide led us through the most beautiful landscapes for three days, until we arrived in the largest salt flat in the world on the third evening and fourth morning.

The first day started on Good Friday. Jennifer, a girl from France, expanded our girls' crew to four, along with our guide Jesus (yes, that's really his name!) and our personal chef. It went steeply uphill and curvy at first. When we arrived at the first viewpoint, we were immediately convinced. Fantastic! Even though we still looked a bit rough, the mountain landscape in the background is unique.

Our next stop took us to a national park. Like a whole city made of sand, the rock formations were breathtaking. We were completely amazed when our guide took us into one or two caves. Hopefully the sand won't collapse at that moment...

Passing by llamas and pikunas, we then came to one of the highest points on the tour: 4,855 meters. And it was quite cold up there...

Day 2 started with a lake full of flamingos. I was completely overwhelmed by the tranquility and contentment the flamingos radiate in their nature. Even though flamingos in the zoo or in the Stuttgart Wilhelma never really interested me before, here I was completely blown away. A magical moment!

Passing by more beautiful lakes, we came to volcanoes and a landscape that looks like a painting. This photo could definitely also be a painting!

Volcanoes, lakes (Laguna blanca & Laguna verde) and even more llamas. On the tour, I definitely discovered my love for llamas as well. Decorated with colorful decorations in their ears, watching the passing cars and then proudly trotting away - wonderful!

With the best music - thanks to our DJ Jennifer - and a super cheerful guide, the car rides became a pure fun tour. We danced, sang, laughed and bumped along the wildest gravel roads.

After a bath in the natural hot springs, we came to the geysers. Gray, bubbling, steaming and boiling holes covered the ground. It was hard to ignore the smell of sulfur. Here too, we were once again impressed. It's hard to put into words what nature has to offer.

Our chef spoiled us with delicious meals throughout the day. It was simply amazing what she conjured up for us to eat. And so we could start the third day strengthened. We started with various rock formations. We particularly liked the camel:

To our surprise, we were even allowed to climb the big rocks, high and high up.

There were two more beautiful lakes (Laguna conto and Laguna negro) and even more llamas at the next stop. The journey continued past Ginoa fields, blooming in beautiful red, yellow and orange. The Cobra Gorge and a train cemetery were the last two stops before we finally reached the main destination.

Just in time for sunset, we reached the huge salt area near the city of Uyuni. Salt, salt and more salt for kilometers. We enjoyed this magical moment with a glass of wine and popcorn, waiting for the first stars to appear in the sky.

The night in the salt hotel was ice cold, but by now we were almost used to the cold at this altitude. We were already back on the salt for sunrise. The vastness, the tranquility and the sounds as we trudged over the salt were incredible. We spent hours taking photos and had a lot of fun doing it.
