
Just transit, I'm in Georgia now

Publikováno: 05.06.2023

The last two days in Turkey were just transit, I would have liked to drive through the mountains, but unfortunately there was a huge rainstorm there. And when it rains a lot, there is also a lot of mud, debris, and rockfall on the roads. You could clearly see the high water levels in the many rivers that flow into the Black Sea.

The last hotel in Turkey was great, the receptionist gave me an upgrade, I was able to stay in one of the two suites on the upper floor for the same price. I could get used to that. Then there was a rich breakfast this morning. However, what I can't get used to is the soggy white bread and french fries (mind you, for breakfast).

We continued along the Black Sea coast heading towards Georgia. The road was squeezed between steep cliffs that could slide, as some sections have shown, and the sea.

About 40 km before the border, the first truck traffic jams started, I suspect that the drivers have to endure here for days, if not weeks, before they can pass the border. On the Turkish side, I lined up at the back in an orderly manner. A truck driver approached me, asking why I was doing this, motorcyclists have the right of way. So I pushed ahead without anyone protesting. I quickly completed the exit control on the Turkish side, as well as the entry into Georgia. The border officer only told me that I need to take out border insurance. I did that too, I was able to buy a SIM card in the same office at the same time. All in all, it cost me less than 25 euros. The SIM card is valid for one week with unlimited data volume, that's enough. Nobody checked the motor vehicle insurance, I could have saved myself the trouble, but better safe than sorry.

The traffic after the border became very chaotic. I thought Turkey was already very bad, I was wrong, it's much worse here. Traffic rules seem to be suspended. People are fighting for every meter of progress. Overtaking despite oncoming traffic, there seems to be no right of way rules, and people are racing.

Batumi was quickly reached, there I initially went to the ferry office to see if I could return to Bulgaria today. But the ferry was fully booked. So I reserved a spot for next Monday, I hope that works out. It's not cheap, but it's only a 2 1/2 day journey, with full board. That puts the price into perspective.

Now just quickly get out of Batumi, I thought to myself, and it went quickly if you're cheeky and disregard the traffic rules like the locals do.

Accommodation was quickly found, thanks to Booking.com, 10 euros for the night and 3 euros for breakfast and dinner, with the company of a family and their dog and cat.

Not luxury like yesterday, but clean and nice.

Tomorrow we will continue into the hinterland, I hope the weather improves.


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