

Publikováno: 27.08.2017

After being asked several times for a blog and always saying that I won't make a blog, I have finally decided to start a blog. Whether that was a good idea will be seen in the following months.

On August 7th, it started: from Düsseldorf via Abu Dhabi to Melbourne. Before the 14-hour flight from Abu Dhabi to Melbourne, I didn't know what to expect from this long flight. I was used to 8 hours from America - but 14? Well, I had no choice but to get on the plane. And luckily, the seat next to me was empty, so I could spread out (relatively for an airplane). When the flight was finally over, I could pick up my great green suitcase from the baggage carousel and leave the airport: I was in Australia!!

What am I going to do in Australia?
Au pair! I live with an Australian family and take care of the children. The plan is for 10 months - afterwards, I would like to travel through Australia and New Zealand for two more months (until my visa expires...).
