
Der erste Schultag in den USA/ The first day of school in the USA

Publikováno: 11.10.2022


The first day of school in the USA

Now we have made it, we have arrived at the schools. On the third day of our trip, all of us are going to school. One group of us goes to Kennedy High School and the other group, including me, goes to Washington High School.

The school day starts at 7:20 am for me. I ride to school with Ben, my exchange student, in his car. Yes, his car, he is allowed to drive at the age of 16. When we arrived at school, Ben took me to the German classroom. He then went to his class.

8:00 a.m.: The day started with a tour of the school. Some exchange students also participated. The size of the school is overwhelming, at least three times the size of the FSA. They also have two gyms, a swimming pool, and two theaters. I mean, how cool is that, please. The school also has a hallway just with photos and trophies of their football, baseball, soccer and swim teams.

9:30: We do a scavenger hunt. They called it Goosechase. We had to take pictures in different places and we got points for it. There were three groups red, blue and white. I was on the red team. In a library, a very nice woman helped us. She showed us an old book from 1922 that we needed for the task. Team red won the scavenger hunt, probably because of the help of the librarian and the driving skills of a student.

11:00: Lunch is served. Ben and I went to the cafeteria for lunch. I had gotten my lunch from my host mom, so I didn't have to buy anything. Ben and I ate with his friends. I have to say, it's all very different than in Germany. Everyone can buy burgers or pasta for 3-5$ in the cafeteria.

11:45: I went with Ben to his last class. This subject is a mixture of chemistry, bio and geo. In this class they talked about the water cycle and the nitrogen cycle. I was already familiar with this lesson content.

13:00 The first day of school is over. It is different from Germany. The greatest thing for me was the sheer size, the possibilities and the friendliness of everyone.

In the evening we had dinner together and talked about the differences between Germany and the USA.

This is the end of the 3rd day of the trip.

I hope you enjoyed the blog entry

written by Matti Frick

Odpovědět (2)

Matti, du hast den Blog sehr schön geschrieben. Alles sehr beeindruckend!

Wir, die Großeltern von Friedrich, verfolgen eure Reise mit großem Interesse. Schön das ihr so etwas erleben könnt Genießt die Zeit.

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