
One afternoon - two stories

Publikováno: 28.12.2016


Banana Pancake and Balinese coffee/tea for breakfast on the terrace overlooking the jungle.


Since our friendly homestay owner didn't return to the cottage (he had offered to get us a scooter), we decided to search for one ourselves. The plan is also to buy the tickets for the journey to Gili Trawang. 'Fast' and 'on the fly'.... Bali style ; -)

We're a bit late now, there are no more scooters available at the corner shop and Freebird (the speedboat company) is closed. Hm.


An older Balinese person passing by stops his scooter next to us. He says that the other branch down the road is open. That's his and he'd gladly take us there, and he can also get us a scooter. We are a little perplexed and prefer to walk


... and meet him in front of the other Freebird branch. The price he quotes is fine, but it turns out he doesn't work at this Freebird branch either, and now he wants to guide us to the opposing competitor (we had already come across them in our internet research). Aha! ; -)


We take a closer look. The offer is the same, everything fits. Tickets acquired. Tomorrow morning we're going to Gili Trawangan! Hooray!


All the scooters are rented out. Darn! The older Balinese person makes a phone call, his friend is coming... it's being o.r.g.a.n.i.z.e.d ;-) Well, let's wait and see.




Waiting. Another Balinese person joins and offers us his scooter for 70,000 Rupiah. Tine and I agree: A) it's too expensive for us (our homestay owner said the price is 50,000) and B) we find the guy fishy. No thanks.


Waiting... or thanking and moving on? We give it another chance (walking in what feels like 40 degrees and this humidity doesn't seem quite as appealing ; -)


A scooter was found!

Granted, not a beauty, but it has everything necessary.


Here we go! Yay!

We cruise along the coast for an hour. A very hilly and bumpy coastal road. Tine's backside is starting to protest soon. So we decide to split up for the afternoon and meet again later.

Iris' afternoon:

Back on the scooter. Oh, it's wonderful! I decide to continue driving along the coast road. That's the life.

Unfortunately, the sky over the mountains has darkened quite a bit. Big clouds move towards the sea... and suddenly I'm riding through the monsoon rain... Stop! Monsoon shower. It was over as quickly as it came. So, on we go, I turn spontaneously and follow the smaller road that winds slowly into the mountains... Stunning views after every turn: Lush green, different shades, rice terraces, palm trees. The rain in the mountains seems to have swollen the river next to me. Children are having fun on the bank.

I turn around the next bend and... suddenly it's pouring rain. I try to find some shelter under a small tree. Too small of a tree ; -)

A group of children standing behind the tree under a corrugated iron hut burst into laughter. Hrmpf.

Next to the small tin shack stands a small, somewhat humble house with a veranda. The parents of the children have noticed me being a wet mess and motion for me to come to them for shelter. I politely decline, but they insist.

I'm placed on a chair on the veranda, given tea and something sweet that I can't define exactly, but it's delicious. The family is incredibly warm. They don't speak much English, but it works anyway. I won't forget this anytime soon.

Tine's afternoon:

Clearly less exciting, but also very nice... Finally time to relax! After a walk through the village to get rid of the tension (the backseat of a scooter is not the most pleasant, especially on bad roads with lots of hills - it's time to learn how to ride the scooter myself!).

A warung with a view of the sea, a watermelon juice, and a delicious meal later, I sit there and read. Later, I go back to the accommodation, enjoy the air conditioning, and take a nap. Then it's back to reading, this time on the terrace with a view of beautiful, colorful flower beds and coconut trees.

The evening is enjoyed together again with a foot and leg massage, good food, playing cards, and cold compresses for Tine's sun allergy (argh!! Yes, it's possible! It looks like I have rubella or something on my arms, hence the fancy photo filters).

Tomorrow we're taking the speedboat to Gili Trawangan!
