
Gran final - Argentina d y Uruguay

Publicat: 10.12.2018

¡Hola chicos! 👋🏼‍♀️

🏳️‍🇦🇷 🏳️‍🇺🇾

Wow, who would have thought - after 353 days, 12 countries, several thousand kilometers (I tried to calculate but have sadly become a bit tired and inaccurate 😅), 9 flights, including one to finally arrive there, plus additional, various bus rides averaging about 10h of travel, a 5-day boat crossing from Panama to Colombia, 1 lost (or rather stolen) phone and 2 wallets including debit cards, I have now finally arrived at the end of my adventure. When you read this, you might wonder, 'Why do you even do this?' At home, it’s so much more comfortable...' - I hope I have already managed to convey some of the reasons in the previous blogs. If not, this is your last chance 😅

¡Hola Edelweiss ✈️😍

On November 15 in the morning at 9 am, I landed with the flight from Santiago de Chile in Buenos Aires (Argentina). The first thing I saw when I looked out the airplane window was the cute, red nose 🤗 my parents practically arrived from Switzerland at the same time.

In the immigration hall, I was almost shocked 😅 There were hundreds of people waiting, we were apparently just in the rush hour. However, through the free Wi-Fi, I was able to communicate nicely with my parents and arrange a place to meet.

But my mother could not wait and thus rushed through immigration just to briefly hug me 🤗 until security came and she had to return 😅.

Reunidos 👨‍👩‍👦❤️

Reuniting after such a long time is beautiful and it was good to see a few familiar faces (the most familiar ones of all 😅) and to practice my language skills.

So we took a taxi to our hotel and made ourselves comfortable. On that day, we did not plan many activities since we all had relatively long and exhausting journeys behind us.

Buenos Aires with the famous “Teatro Colón” 😅 and two tourists

The next day, we explored the capital on foot with lovely, spring-like weather. Our hotel Viamonte is located in the “Microcentro,” close to many attractions such as the Teatro Colón (which is not the one in the picture), the Obelisco, Plaza de Mayo with the government building, and many nice restaurants and bars.

Plaza de Mayo

The city feels very European and you can sense the strong influence of Italians and Spaniards who arrived in Argentina about 100 years ago as labor immigrants. The architecture reminds me more of Paris, as can be seen in the lower picture.

Buenos Aires is the most densely populated city in Argentina. With a population of over 16 million just in the Buenos Aires province (including all suburbs, etc.), it makes up almost a third of the total population. And considering that Argentina is almost 8 times larger than Germany, one can also imagine how much uninhabited land the country has (which is partly understandable, I wouldn't want to live at the end of the world in Ushuaia with sub-zero temperatures and ice 🥶 ❄️).

Biking 🚲

Once we rented bikes to explore the harbor area a bit. However, since it rained the day before, we couldn’t ride through the nature reserves we had actually wanted to, so we just looked around.

Miami in the background 🏝️

The next rainy day, we did classic Hop-On/Hop-Off tours to get to know the remaining neighborhoods of the city. On foot, it would logically take much longer and although there is a super metro and bus system (with its own rail line), sitting in a tour bus and just taking a break is quite nice 😅 though unfortunately they didn’t manage to mount the roof (could they?) and so we got pretty wet 😅.

Caminito in “La Boca”

We got off in a neighborhood named “La Boca” to stroll along the pedestrian area “Caminito.” The little streets are filled with colorful houses that were built by immigrants at that time, street artists, and souvenir shops.

Anyone who knows me knows that I love everything that is small, cute, and colorful and thus I quickly felt at home there 🤗.

In various cafes, they also dance the world-famous tango. We stayed for a little while to watch the couple dance. In the end, of course, they asked for

Respon (1)

Wow Tschöxx, da chömäd mer ja fast träne bi dim Schlusstext. Merci velvelmal dass du dir emmer die Müäh gmacht hesch und de Blogg so usfüährlich und spannend gschribe hesch! ois heter uf oisere reis bis ez scho einigi Mal ghulfe!🙌☺️👍 Wünsch dir es guets hei&acho ide schwiiz, umarmsch alli vo mir und mer gsehnd ois denn wenn vögeli zwitschered und blüämli blüähed wieder🤗😍😘❤️