
Tup Kaek Sunset Beach

Objavljeno: 02.03.2024

We stay at the Tup Kaek Sunset Beach Resort in Nong Talay, Muang Krabi in a charming little bungalow in the second row, close to the beach.

After our spicy curry with crabs and a cool juice, we sleep like logs, but are rudely woken up the next morning by the ringing of our room telephone.

“The yoga class is starting, where are we staying?”

One look at our crumpled faces and we agree. We stay in bed. Just a little more…🙏🏼

We'll definitely be there tomorrow.😉

We almost overslept our first breakfast. It's already 9:30 a.m. and breakfast time here unfortunately ends at 10:00 a.m. Again, not our time.

But Noom “our” boy is extremely friendly and brings us what our hearts 💓 desire. So there is everything and wild through the vegetable garden. 🫛🌽Olives, cucumber, grated carrots. You start healthy. Then yoghurt with fruit, croissant and fried egg, and finally a typical pancake with sweet cream, awesome.🤩

Then it's off to the lounger, right by the water. After all, I have to take it easy.

It won't be long before we can enjoy our first Tai massage. I haven't had that yet. Full physical effort from “Pete”.

No, unfortunately not a man. ☺️I would say something between a man and a woman. Very powerful, just like its application.

Now go back to the beach and get into the water.💦

There are about 14 different species of sharks here and only 7 of them are dangerous. Makes a quota of 50%.

So you can dare to swim out.😉


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