
Wachau, the Second: Danube River Trip

Objavljeno: 05.08.2018

The second trip to the Wachau takes us to the Danube River - with two inflatable canoes, Michi and I with four kids. After some preparations (getting the equipment to the starting point, the car to the destination point, not forgetting anything,...) we go into the not so cool water. There are no pictures of that due to the lack of waterproof cameras (and because the moments simply wanted to be absorbed 'live'). But the ride turned out to be very relaxing for us adults and a little 'expedition' for the kids. Every time a passenger ship came, we couldn't resist dancing on the waves right behind it.

Just when I thought I absolutely had to go into the water, but refrained from doing so because of the responsibility for the children, it happened: two children were fooling around on the side of the boat while getting in and we capsized! Everyone in the water! After the first shock and the certainty that nothing had happened, we laughed out loud and enjoyed the cool water. I saw my two shoes swimming towards the second boat, where they were rescued. Everything else was secured and in dry bags - so no problem!

After that, the clouds quickly gathered above us for a summer storm and we barely made it to a pub before it poured down heavily - lucky again! But that soon passed and we continued our journey in the slightly gentler sunshine.

Through side arms, we continued along almost jungle-like overgrown banks. In Dürnstein (see church with blue tower) we landed on the sandy beach like explorers who were exploring the Amazon: happy, sun-soaked, and pretty tired.

Attentive readers of our blog have noticed: after a few days of rest (in the blog!) I am now writing the reports: we are already home. But I hope it still feels 'live' to you. It certainly does for me when I write. ;-)


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