
Anglesea on the Great Ocean Road

Objavljeno: 10.11.2017

a few unforgettable days with very nice people....

As planned, we visited our friend Martina in Anglesea and got to know her lovely partner Norm. It is always a great pleasure to meet her, as we had last seen her about four years ago during a short stay in Vienna. A lot has happened since then, but despite a hard blow of fate, she has fortunately not lost her optimism and her joyfulness.

For some time now, Martina has been living in a small cottage just a few minutes' walk from the sea. We went for daily walks together with them and Potch, the family dog, on the beautiful beach. Although the weather was not quite optimal and it rained frequently, we did not let that stop us.

Rain cannot deter true surfers here, not even the youngest ones;).

The sandstone in beautiful shades

Martina is an artist and a very unusual and fascinating woman. So it was not surprising to us that the friends we had the pleasure of meeting during these days all made a special impression on us.

Here, people seem to have different priorities than is usual in our countries. So we met a young couple, the singer Melody and her partner Shayn, a trained lawyer, who both live permanently in campervans (each in their own;) and take the freedom to camp wherever they please.

As much as we enjoy our current (travel) life in our very practically adapted mobile home, we could both not imagine this as a permanent way of life.

In any case, it was very interesting for us to meet people who are so completely different from the mainstream.

Now we are driving back to Melbourne, returning our campervan and then flying on to New Zealand.


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