
So much to see: Curiñanco

Objavljeno: 13.10.2019

There is so much on the list of things to do, see, and try. It's best not to start Googling what to do here, but to ask around and do what is recommended. Due to the microclimate around Valdivia and the entire region, there are endemic plants, unique views, and exotic animals to admire at every corner.

It's the same in Curiñanco. In the small coastal town about 1 hour by bus from Valdivia, there is a small cape with a 'jungle' that really only exists there.

When we visited this national park, we were surprised to find that we were not allowed to bring backpacks, only the water bottle and the camera. It is a bit uncomfortable to only carry drinks with you, but thankfully we did not have to go on a mammoth march. On the contrary, it was a leisurely path, where sometimes only the path was cut out with a hedge trimmer. A bit like in a labyrinth. Finally, we understood why the park ranger referred to the size of Marte. Sometimes she had trouble walking upright.

The park is very diverse, after this 'hedge zone' where we also encountered the typical blueberry (Murta), we encountered these incredibly impressive gigantic 'Olivillos'. And they really only exist in the 80-hectare national park.

A very special play of light and shadow with the azure blue Pacific Ocean in the background. Breathtaking!

The circular path led back through the hedge zone to the coast. After a short descent, you would have an incredible view of the coast of Chile with volcanic rock. So many different views in such a small space! Unfortunately, we didn't have the luck to spot dolphins or nutrias on this day, but maybe on one of the upcoming tours.

On the way back, we stopped in Neblia, because there was a plant festival going on and we had arranged to eat with other exchange students.

Finally, a familiar scenario. 10 people around a much too small table and eating a 'accidentally vegan' dinner. Beer from a can or the 2 euro wine. I have to say, I kind of missed that. We went home with the last bus and I ended the day with a little card game at home. (My roommate had invited friends.)

Frieda (October 14)


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