
There we have our beach day! ^^ (Day 102 of the world trip)

Objavljeno: 15.12.2019

December 15, 2019

Last night we went to bed but the room didn't get dark because there is a window above our door and right there on the ceiling is a bright light in the hallway outside that stays on all night!!! :O :D

Jonas had the brilliant idea of ​​tying his towel around his eyes as a blindfold and I did the same with one of my scarves so that you had a bit of the feeling that it was dark^^ Because even with closed eyes, the light was blinding... But hey. We made it :p :D

After an otherwise pretty good night's sleep, we went out in the morning to buy the bus tickets for tomorrow. Tomorrow evening at 8 p.m. we will take the bus to Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon) ! We rented an apartment there for a whole 9 days to take a little "breather" after all the short stops^^

There are three bouldering or climbing halls there and we want to spend Christmas there, as it is supposedly celebrated :)

After buying the bus tickets, we looked for the Chocoladen Museum. They offer tours to the cocoa plantation and the chocolate factory, where you can make and taste chocolate yourself!!! <3 It sounded so great that we thought about doing it tomorrow.

Anyway, we have to check out of the hotel by noon and then spend the day somehow with our luggage before taking the bus in the evening (although you can store your luggage at the bus office for a fee :) ).

Unfortunately, we couldn't find the chocolate museum!!! There was nothing where it should be, except for a closed, small "mall" with advertising for the museum. We searched the surrounding area for a while but it just wasn't there -.-

Since I was really hungry by now, I wanted to treat myself to a baguette with egg from a street vendor again but this time I was out of luck :p Without asking me, the lady packed other things into the baguette, firstly a kind of gravy that didn't look appetizing at all.

I tried to explain to her that I ONLY wanted the egg and a Russian tour guide helped me a bit with the translation. As a result, the woman put a raw egg in a plastic bag and handed it to me. The guide laughed and explained it again. The woman nodded but didn't change anything about my baguette, which now already had the gravy. What a bummer! ^^

I took a bite, but I wasn't convinced. Luckily I could still find Jonas as a recipient, otherwise I would have had to throw it away...

Well. Then we went back to the hotel to google the chocolate museum again and on the way we stopped at the baguette stand from yesterday, where I had gotten the perfect sandwich with the picture of the egg ;-) We ordered two baguettes there again, which were really delicious <3

Back at the hotel, Jonas wrote to the museum on Whatsapp and even got a reply! Unfortunately, it is currently off-season and it doesn't look good with a tour for tomorrow... She said she would get back to us, but we suspect that she just didn't dare to reject us directly ;-) We don't expect it to work out^^

Afterwards, we went to the beach for a few hours. The sun was even out today!!

After a little hesitation, we finally dared to go into the cold water, which then wasn't so cold anymore after the first surprise :p There were waves in the surf, some of which went over my head and "swallowed" me if I wasn't careful :D :D

Playing in the waves was pretty fun, especially since we were almost alone (most other tourists are further up the beach where there are sun umbrellas and loungers) and therefore you could shout in (partially fake) panic when a big wave came ;-) That was pretty funny :)

Otherwise, we just relaxed on the towel and chatted or looked at the water. I had looked up Vinpearl a bit more, the island in sight that can only be reached by cable car.

Apparently Vinpearl is a kind of company. They bought the island (!!!) and are now building resorts and an amusement park on it, which is almost finished. There is a huge Ferris wheel and various other rides. Apparently (Russian) tourists are into it because tours there are offered everywhere in the booking offices ;-)

What I personally think of it... well. It brings in money (but apparently more for the company Vinpearl and less for Vietnam itself) but fundamentally it's a bit questionable from an environmental point of view to buy a whole island and develop it - just for amusement. But yeah. Maybe they will also take care of the open natural areas?

We were back at the hotel around 4 p.m., so that I can video chat with my family later and then enjoy a delicious dinner again :) Yesterday we had a huge portion of rice in a restaurant, which we are already looking forward to again <333


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