
Tag 71: on the (few) hills in the flatland

Objavljeno: 18.05.2018

At the beginning: today was not Markus' day... but more on that later!

We drove out of the city in busy city traffic and looked for something to eat breakfast. We found a cozy café and had fried eggs with baguette there. Then we took a four-lane road south. This was the first opportunity to see what our 'pieces of junk' can do. After a few minutes at 65/70 km/h, Markus' bike (Kathy) suddenly broke down. So we stopped by the side of the road and restarted Kathy. In doing so, the gear lever came loose. I tried to tighten it with a wrench, but the screw broke completely. So we putted along in first gear to the nearest mechanic. There, the carburetor was readjusted and the lever was screwed tight with a new screw. The best part: all for free... We continued to our first destination, the Nui Sap Mountain. More like a hill with an elevation of 80 meters. It was very steep and Markus' Kathy died on the hill. Jan stopped in solidarity. So we pushed the two motorcycles up to the next flatter section. We climbed the last meters to the viewpoint on a very rusty staircase. After taking a short break, we went back down the steep hill. Along the way, we took a photo break. When we wanted to start again, Markus just fell over (there was a rock really inconveniently in front of the front wheel). In the process, his front brake lever broke off. So we slowly went down the rest of the hill with only the rear brake. At the bottom, we found a mechanic (the second one that day) and tried to explain what had happened and that we needed a new lever. Once the mechanics understood what had happened, Markus was laughed at. After everything was repaired (again for free), we continued to the second mountain of the day. The road was only slightly flatter than the first one. At the top, at around 200 meters above the delta, the view was even more impressive than before. From there, we continued on small roads to Chau Doc. We reached our hotel in the dark...

As we walked into town for dinner, we found a supermarket where we had chicken wings with fries. After Markus and I bought Germany jerseys for €3.50 each, we returned to the well-deserved bed. Tomorrow, Markus, will be a better day!


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