
City festival in Schtschyrez (September 18, 2016)

Objavljeno: 19.09.2016

The highlight of our tour - the city festival in Schtschyrez.

First of all, we were able to unload our bus. The relief supplies we brought from Gudensberg were unloaded. Emergency kits and other materials from the German Red Cross were procured and provided by the DRK in Gudensberg. The symbolic handover was done by our mayor Frank Börner in the hospital of Schtschyrez.

We continued our city tour. We visited the old German cemetery and the former German settlement behind it. Then we went to the memorial of the fallen heroes. What many people don't know: Ukraine fought against Russia until 1957. The memorial is next to an old barn where a massacre took place. Today it's a memorial site.

In the big church in the center of Schtschyrez we were able to sing a first song.

After lunch, off to the fairground! A great festival with a good turnout. Before our performance, Frank Börner addressed the citizens of Schtschyrez:

'Dear Mr. Mayor, dear citizens of the city of Schtschyrez,

There is war in Ukraine. That saddens us. We are here today,
because we are committed to peace. For peace in Ukraine, in
Europe, for peace worldwide. Our songs should contribute to that. They are songs for peace, for friendship and international understanding. That's also the message of our Foreign Minister Steinmeier, who is currently traveling in the UK and has at least achieved a ceasefire in eastern Ukraine.

This is an important signal for a good future. That's why I
hope that our visit is also under a good sign.
Thank you very much for allowing us to be here today, with our
friends in Schtschyrez!

I would like to send the warmest regards from the citizens of Gudensberg, from the city councils, which is why our parliament speaker Walter Pippert is here and also the greetings from the fire department chief Verdy Ryffel and from Frank Degenhardt for the youth fire department.

The willingness to help of the people of Gudensberg is very great. We are happy to help,
because the political leaders in Schtschyrez think very wisely and
visionary, because they have a good heart.

Thank you to Mayor Oleg Vasilischin and Deputy Mayor Wolodia Popowitch. Thank you for allowing us to be your guests today, to celebrate today with the citizens of this beautiful and proud city of Schtschyrez.

Thanks also to your former mayor and my friend Mikhailo Brodytsch. Our friendship began with the fruitful cooperation between our two cities. We met in Jelcz-Laskowice, our Polish twin town.

Together and with the help of the fire department Gudensberg, we dismantled furniture and equipment from 42 apartments in Braunlage and brought them to Schtschyrez. And we also managed to bring the first fire truck to Schtschyrez.

But without the support of our friends from Jelcz-Laskowice, especially Mayor Bogdan Sjenschiak, many aid projects would not have been possible. I am very sad that Mayor Stainchiak cannot be here for health reasons. But it is nice that he is represented by Romuald Piorko.

The holiday organized by Gudensberg for 26 Ukrainian youth in July was only possible with the help of the city of Jelcz-Laskowice. I can assure you, dear Mr. Mayor, your young people were very disciplined. Many new friendships have been formed and that is a good thing.

German young people have learned from Ukrainian young people and
Ukrainian young people have learned from our young people. The farewell tears on
both sides showed that. A return visit to Schtschyrez is planned for next year.

I thank the citizens of the city of Schtschyrez for the invitation to today's
city festival. Michailo issued that invitation in 2013 when
Parliament Speaker Walter Pippert and I were at the city festival for the first time, back then with a very small delegation.

For our male choir, this is a very good opportunity for mutual
getting to know each other. We are happy to have come. Almost all singers are in Ukraine for the first time!

The city council of Gudensberg and the chief of the volunteer fire department have instructed me to donate a total of € 1000 to the city of Schtschyrez for the establishment of a youth fire department. We see this as an important investment in the future of the city of Schtschyrez and its youth.

We are now looking forward to many pleasant encounters in Schtschyrez and to the fact that you will like our song contributions.

Slava Ukraini!'

Now our performance. It was a lot of fun! Great to perform in front of a large audience. Especially when the listeners really get into it.

In the evening, we had every reason to celebrate! We had a lot of fun ;-)

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