
Of angels or how to reach your own light

Objavljeno: 23.03.2023

I feel it in the moment when the first raindrop hits my fur: Today is definitely not my favorite explorer weather.

We from the south like it warm and dry, but you have to make compromises when you find your bowl in Upper Franconia.

Arriving at the Ölschnitz (do I hear schnitzel?) we also get out of the car directly at the Casa Nova.

'Ambiguous' smiles Mrs. Kati to herself and from the scent it turns out to be more of a delicious place to stop than a slipper hero.

Our path leads us to the right hand side past the spa park. There we naturally catch a glimpse of it from a distance, stroll through a covered promenade (very practical in the rain) where some quotes inspire us to think and then disappear into the bare beech forest.

The path snakes along above the very talkative river and suddenly we catch sight of an angel. In the water.

So it's safe to say - angels bathe in any weather.

A beautiful natural bathing room has been set up specially for them here. Probably for those who only want to wash their hands.

The friendly gentleman with the chic yellow double scarf nods at us, he doesn't seem surprised. Probably all angels bathe here once, because even a castle on the mountain opposite is dedicated to them.

Of course we have to take a closer look at that, so we cross the river.

People build strange things. I find the red and white decorated bridge a bit creepy, and if you're brave and look down, the fast water figuratively tears your feet or rather paws away.

According to Mrs. Kati, it's like in real life. If you look bravely into the depths, the waves of emotions can carry you away.

Fortunately, there are handrails here, Mrs. Kati is saved.

A patient companion shows us the way up.

If you want to reach the angels, you have to pass the place of silence first. That's what it says here in black and white. And I'm familiar with that. After all, I'm black and white.

The place of silence is quite loud, because of the river.

According to Mrs. Kati, this is only the case at the beginning, after a while you don't hear it anymore. Totally in silence.

We decide to make up for that, because it's still cold. At least not wet anymore. At least from above.

Having to climb over a toppled guy, may he rest in peace, we have to struggle quite hard to climb the summit.

And then an oversized worm crosses our path, I realize that there's nothing that doesn't exist.

Birdsong and an internal forest drilling machine, also known as a woodpecker, can be heard in the distance.

Aha, they're building up there.

Because I'm so focused on the path, I forget my nose today.

Even Mrs. Kati is pleased, because there's clearly more for the eyes and ears here.

The wind dances around us with a subtle melody as if it has to celebrate the angels with us.

The flag hoisted, a slightly incontinent bench and a magnificent view await us at the Engelburg. Well, the term "castle" can be interpreted a bit loosely, but even I feel like an angel on earth here.

Mrs. Kati ponders devoutly about Goethe's notes at the foot of the river. Doesn't everyone have to bring their own light to shine, in this case you get a head start from the first hand up here.

To thank for these magical minutes, we put a gift in the collection box that was set up on the path, which is now dedicated to a tree symbol.

Mrs. Kati says that after the heavenly angel magic, it's time for grounding.

Passing by a power place that resembles an angel dance floor, we catch sight of the imposing Altburg. Or what remains of it.

A proud tree comrade wants to bring us up to date historically and his stories go back to Roman times. We admire his sandals as witnesses of time and steal away quietly while he takes a little break.

I feel sorry for the old castle. It's somehow so closed.

And quite bare around. Isn't there anyone who can bring a little color into life?

Mrs. Kati says that's how it is with us humans.

If you're lonely and abandoned, you may become so bleak and silent.

We decide to bring a little color and flowers next time. After all, the castle invites us to look into the valley and feel like a lord of the castle for once. Hm.

The angel's domicile was definitely more beautiful. And lights.

But here we finally have an extensive read of tracks and a mini hole for dessert.

On the last meters of the way back, a proud door tells us that by chance it now holds a whole chapel together, because without it everything would fall apart here.

Maria help says Mrs. Kati.

And for a substitute for church service, there is also a nature-like pavilion, which I find more beautiful anyway. Simple, green, without frills. Just close to God.

A look into the sky and we agree.

Here we have found true treasures. Angels, light, silence and also very beautiful wind melodies.

After so much climbing, my paws will definitely twitch when I dream of the Romans tonight.


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