G&N in Norwegen
G&N in Norwegen

On the way to Bergen. Working title: how much can it rain?

Objavljeno: 03.09.2023

A ferry trip through the Lysefjord to Flørli was actually planned for today. We wanted to walk the 4,444 steps and not continue until Monday. However, it just didn't work out for us with a ferry: everything was already fully booked. Since this won't be our last vacation in Norway, it's on the notepad for next time. So on Saturday evening we decided that we would use the forecast rainy day as a travel day, next stop: Bergen.

Like all trips so far, this one was also relaxing and beautiful. From fjord to fjord, through forests, past lakes and rivers, these great tunnels, the pretty red and white wooden houses everywhere 🥰This whole country seems to consist only of beautiful landscapes.

After a 6-hour drive, there was a stop at a gas station. But not for refueling. Stomachs rumbled and demanded content. And yes, it was probably way too expensive, but we were so hungry 😄

There was Pølser as the main course and cocoa, cinnamon rolls, chocolate and a raisin roll for dessert and probably a little sugar shock afterwards.

And through it all, the constant companion: rain. Sometimes just drizzling, sometimes in thick drops, sometimes as a spray, sometimes streaming. And yet, we managed to get some nice pictures today too.

As long as we were in the car, it was hardly an issue. Setting up our mobile home was a bit more unpleasant. Then you notice again where raindrops get everywhere 😂

And so that it doesn't get boring, our stove needs a repair. The connection to the gas cartridge is leaking somewhere. Since we want to cook inside today in this weather, Günni has to do it. Luckily, we really have every bit of stuff with us and Günni MacGyver will sort it out

Odgovori (2)

Isolierband, Taschenmesser, Maulschlüssel und ein wenig Hirnschmalz und schon hat es Günni MacGyver wieder abgedichtet. Als Lohn gab es leckeren Eintopf, schon wieder aus det Dose😂😂

Zur Wochenmitte wird es schöner!

Izvještaji o putovanjima Norveška