
Shitty weather on the way to our friend Daniel

Objavljeno: 20.05.2018

Sunday 13.5. (30 km)

Shortly after we start cycling, it gets colder and foggy. Eventually, it becomes unbearably cold (4 degrees) and wet. Fortunately, we find a campsite and set up our tent. Now we have been sitting in the 'restaurant' for hours, waiting for the fucking rain to stop. It's too cold to go outside, we don't have any baguette left for lunch, and we still don't know what to cook for dinner tonight (cook in the rain?!). Hello summer, where are you?? In the end, it even snowed and we went to bed at 4 pm. Then we had some pasta and off to sleep....

Monday 14.5. (85 km / 878 altimeters)

The start was still very cold, we climb for about 30 km and I'm almost desperate....How is that possible? It should be downhill after uphill, right?!!

Then actually 30 km downhill to Grenoble yay!

We spend the night at Michel and Coloette's. We can do laundry and get a delicious meal..

Tuesday 15.5. (126 km / 1456 altimeters)

The weather is okay and we make good progress.

When we start looking for a place to spend the night, it turns out to be very problematic... we just can't find anything suitable.

So we keep cycling and cycling and cycling....until we ride into the rain...

Now we have to speed up and go full throttle to the camping site 5 km away.

We arrive completely soaked and are welcomed by Bela, a German street musician who is also on the road with his bike... 

We have a cozy evening, with spaghetti, salad and vodka.

We sleep in the dormitory tonight...

Wednesday 16.5. (67 km)

Rain again and again

Campsite in Morges

Thursday 17.5. ( 115km/ 775 altimeters)

We cycle along a great cycle path, beautiful landscape and finally sunshine again!

In the evening, we find a great spot at Lake Biel...

Friday 18.5. (54.5 km) - Monday 20.5.

We are in Oberbipp with our friend Daniel, whom we met in Macedonia.

We have a great time with him, we go grilling, he paraglides, we camp, cook, drink beer and enjoy the time.

Although we have only known each other for 1 day, it feels like we have come to an old friend... Nice. (Unfortunately, his girlfriend Nicole is on vacation and we don't see her... hopefully soon!)


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