Taama waati ɲuman USA (Amerika) jamana

USA (Amerika) jamana bɛ ɲɛfɔli kɛ

Taama Blog kura & jiralenw USA (Amerika) jamana

Fr 11. May - Closed due to bad weather

Blog post written later in Whitehorse. Already during the night it started to become windy and in th...

May 10th - Animals at Chilkoot River

After breakfast, we followed a tip from the campsite owner and headed towards Chilkoot Lake. Many sm...

Tue 8th May - Work and Gnome Forest

This post was created later when we had internet again. Today we divided up. On the one hand, a cons...


Let's go, 7:30 am

San Francisco

e", etc. at the end of a word. That's because I write my posts with my phone and I use autocorrect, ...