Incredibly long day

प्रकाशित भइल बा: 05.10.2018

This morning we had breakfast at the great hippie hostel. Fiona got a huge portion of paella last night and this morning. We started on an alternative route around 7, which was 2 kilometers longer but offered a lot of nature in the mountains. The other route was mostly along the highway, which we avoided.

We saw something amazing today - a wishing tree! Pilgrims write their wishes and hang them on the tree. I did the same. Of course, it's the work of a hippie community. I had a nice conversation with them.

Today I really wanted to climb the mountain, and after the short distance of only 20 km yesterday, we felt very fit. Fiona was joking around in between and she seems to love the mountains as much as I do. So we went up without taking many breaks. We arrived at the mountain top after about 7 hours, completely tired.

Staying overnight with a dog wasn't possible, so we were sent 3 km to the next town. Everything there was overcrowded, so we were sent 3 km further. The lady assured us that it would work there. They accept dogs. But when we arrived, they actually don't accept dogs. It must have been a bad joke when she sent us 3 km further again. We took a short break and continued.

So we arrived here, and normally they also don't accept dogs because they have two huge guard dogs of their own. The woman only speaks Spanish, but she must have seen my desperation and Fiona looked at her from outside with her saddest eyes. So Fiona gets to sleep right next to our dormitory room in the dining area. Hallelujah! After eating, Fiona fell into her sleeping bag and sleeps like a baby.

Today we - can't believe it - covered 44 kilometers and 1,300 meters of altitude.

I have no idea whether we will be able to get up and continue tomorrow.

We arrived here around 5 pm. That means we walked for 10 hours today.

I don't have blisters but I have pain. I rubbed Fiona's paws with olive oil. She has small injuries and her paws are sensitive. She must also be in pain.

Tomorrow is a new day. First, we'll sleep in.


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