Tag 63 - boiling

प्रकाशित भइल बा: 06.07.2019


In the morning, we talk to Lucy during breakfast about where to rent a scooter and how to get to the visa office with it. In general, she explains a little bit about how the visa extension process works; the information she gives us matches what we have read on the internet.

(Our flight to New Zealand is on 08/21/19 - since you only get a 30-day visa in Indonesia, you have to extend it)

To apply for an extension, we need copies of our passports and our booking confirmation. There is an internet café just 100 meters from our accommodation, where you can copy, scan, and do anything else your digital heart desires. When we arrive there, unfortunately there are one, or rather two, little problems. Copying is not possible here, and sending and printing by email is also not possible because the internet café currently has no internet - ironic, isn't it?

We decide to come back tomorrow with a USB stick and then bring our required documents in paper form.

Instead of focusing on planning duties, we prefer to relax, then walk to the beach and actually find a section where you can go into the water and swim without a surfboard. After being shaken up by the waves and drying off in the sun, we have the idea to cook tonight and invite Ian and Lucy over; besides, we've been wanting to rent a scooter for a long time, which we can take care of on the way to Carrefour.

The first rental place we find wants 15€ for 3 days. One would actually say 'That's not a lot'. But Lucy and Ian (and some Indonesia-experienced friends) have advised us not to pay more than 3.75€. Please keep in mind that with the 3-4€ difference, you can go out to eat, do your laundry, and fill up the tank once (it's really true!). Of course, as penny-pinchers, we decline.

Unfortunately, we don't find any other rental places on the way to the mall and settle for the realization that we might have to search elsewhere. At the supermarket, we buy everything for cheese and cream pasta, once again can't resist the doughnut offer, and make our way back to the house with a full backpack.

It's already dark by now. We share our meal plan with Ian and Lucy, and they are happy about it. After a short time, the four of us sit at the table and enjoy the (considering the circumstances) well-done dish.

Feeling stuffed, we make ourselves something to drink and Ian takes out his ukulele. We strum a little, chat, and end the evening with a game of 'Swimming' - Not so easy to explain the game 'Swimming' in English.

- Alex


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