What happened so far

प्रकाशित भइल बा: 29.12.2017

Now 4 out of 9 months have passed and I want to write a short summary:

Thailand: beautiful, exotic, warm, great food, friendly people, could stay for a longer period of time

Myanmar: very poor, interesting, very nice people, very poor sanitary conditions, very hot, could not live there

Laos: beautiful landscape, very green, people a bit sluggish, food so-so, prices great, could stay for a longer period of time

Vietnam: extreme weather (floods, storms), food not good (even though I like to eat at Vietnamese restaurants in Berlin), people only partially friendly, landscape only beautiful in Halong Bay, would not go again

Indonesia: dreamy beaches, diverse food, people nice but pushy in tourist areas, weather perfect, anytime again

New Zealand: personally too cold, food very European, people similar to ours, very spacious, beautiful landscapes, but sometimes too lonely, would not want to move there

Tasmania: definitely too cold, very European, very nice people, very green and rural, too lonely for me personally, amazing animals

Australia: very European, people mostly nice, food like ours, very spacious, not so green, cities very European, would not move there as it is not exotic enough.


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