Sun, Beach and Coconut! - Otres Beach/Sihanoukville

प्रकाशित भइल बा: 27.10.2017

20/10 - 22/10

After the tourist influx in Siem Reap, it was time for some relaxation by the sea. We treated ourselves to a one-hour flight to Sihanoukville, which seemed more advantageous compared to a 12-hour bus ride. So we changed into our swimsuits and flip flops at noon.

The next 3 days were classic beach days with everything that comes with it: beach chairs, hammocks, massages, coconut, beer, cocktails, sunset, and seafood.

The only downside was the seafood, which led to an abrupt end one evening when I suddenly felt a very unpleasant feeling in my stomach. What followed was a two-hour toilet shell concert in 6 acts. We should have known when we were the only guests in the restaurant... since then I can't think of seafood without feeling nauseous.

One day we rented a scooter to run some errands in town. The scooter rental across from our accommodation gave us one without a license plate. The guy from the rental also pointed out that at the end of the road at the village entrance, there is often a police officer who usually redirects trucks because the dirt road in our village more closely resembles a BMX track due to the rainy season. He will probably stop us and try to find something wrong. We should just give him 1 to 2 dollars, then everything will be fine - he just wants money and doesn't want to cause us serious problems, he said. So we started the scooter knowing that we might have to bribe a corrupt Cambodian police officer... In the end, he fortunately wasn't at his post.


Apart from the beach, the Sihanoukville area has little to offer. Unfortunately, there is a permanent smell in the air due to poor waste disposal, and the surroundings are a bit run-down and not particularly attractive.

...which feed on garbage due to lack of feed - very sad!

There is not much else to report, everyone knows life on the beach. Let the pictures speak for themselves.

See you soon


>> Next stop: Koh Rong Samloem <<


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