20th-21st April Biscarrosse

प्रकाशित भइल बा: 24.04.2017

We're slowly rolling back home. Our last relaxed two-day stop was at the lake of Biscarrosse. Here we could SUP a little, relax and review our journey in calm water and fantastic temperatures.

Due to significantly cooler temperatures inland, we will now spend the next few days on the track in longer stages, so we would like to suspend our reporting here.

But to conclude: We are incredibly grateful to have taken the opportunity and made this tour together and to be able to take so many great impressions home with us. During this time on 12 sqm, we have become a great team as a family and are taking so much experience, experiences and insights for ourselves and for each other that we can only recommend it to anyone who has similar plans.

>> Life is a journey <<

With the best regards

from the three of us


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