Technology Day

प्रकाशित भइल बा: 17.01.2024

After a good night - shock in the morning: The coffee machine flashes like crazy, but doesn't make any coffee. This is followed by 20 minutes of failed repair attempts - abracadabra and miraculous laying on of hands by Irene convince the perpetrator and breakfast is saved.

The long day of crossing Poland follows. Quite inconspicuous, flat landscape, sometimes more, sometimes less snow-covered. The villages consist of nice houses (not poor!) and seem very tidy - decent people - the Poles! Towards the north the snow becomes more and more and when we arrive in Suwalki (we had previously chosen our campsite there at park4night), there was easily 30cm. Our campsite is at the end of a fairly steep driveway, the owner is sick and therefore couldn't clear the site and it's starting to get a little dark... We've come down the path, but will we come back up tomorrow? As a precaution (and a bit for training) we put the snow chains on and are already freezing quite a bit. It's around -10° and it's supposed to be -22 at night...

Well, the only thing that helps is some schnapps tea and Christmas cookies!

Our first really cold night is approaching and we are excited to see whether Wilfried's insulation and precautions will prove effective!

Tomorrow we're heading to the Baltics through Lithuania and Latvia and we hope to spend the next night in Estonia.

