
प्रकाशित भइल बा: 11.12.2022

Unfortunately, Friday was Aras's last day here in Ireland with us, so Maya stayed with us over the weekend and on Friday we signed each other's flags. I found what Ara wrote on my flag really sweet, so I had to share it with you. The rest of the evening was really sad, Ara was sad. Of course, I didn't want Ara to go, but it's no use spending the last evening together feeling sad. Maya and I tried to cheer her up, but it didn't quite work. I didn't realize she was leaving for good until we took her to the train on Saturday. We all cried when we hugged each other one last time and she got on the train. Maya and I even ran beside the train as it was leaving, but she didn't look out because she was still in the aisle trying to get to her seat. After the train left, we ran across the bridge to the other platform because our train to Cork was supposed to leave two minutes later. We made it and then went through a few shops in Cork since we have a Secret Santa tomorrow and I didn't have a gift yet. We found a book that the girl I have to buy a gift for really wants to read. Later, we went to a bubble tea shop because it was extremely cold and we wanted to sit somewhere warm. We spent more than two hours there, first playing a fun game and then chess. Maya had never played chess before, so I had to explain it to her, but she played pretty well after a few rounds and even won once. Later, we met up with friends and went to the cinema to watch Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. I had already seen it a few weeks ago, but they hadn't, and I had no problem watching it again. Today, my new host sister arrived. She had to change host families, so it was last minute. She's only 13 and I think it's amazing that she's moving to a foreign country for a whole year at such a young age. She's going home for Christmas, but still. I think we'll get along pretty well. She's also from Spain and extremely shy. Her English isn't very good yet, but we'll manage. Plus, she also likes Marvel and The Phantom of the Opera, which we watched today. We still have to finish it tomorrow since we're supposed to go to bed at 9:30. But on January 8th, the movie will be taken off Netflix... not okay in my opinion. Love you all and miss you ❤

Best regards, Pia

12/11/2022 10:50pm


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