Sun, sea and smoothie

प्रकाशित भइल बा: 15.09.2018

I think I hit the jackpot with my first Couchsurfing experience. Nike's apartment is right by the sea and he welcomed me with a smoothie. :) On the flip side, Nike has had bad experiences with smelly backpackers before, so I have to keep my backpack on the balcony just to be safe.

Nike seems to be even crazier about morning exercise than I am. He wakes up at 7 the next day to go swimming. Of course, I join him because I can't miss out on this direct access to the sea. And for breakfast, we have another smoothie. A perfect start to the day.

Since I caught Nike on his vacation, he has time to explore the island with me on a scooter and chill at a beautiful beach. In that moment, I realize that before this trip, I didn't think Europe had such amazing beaches.

The day is very relaxed, we laugh a lot, and I learn a little bit of Croatian (although, in retrospect, I shouldn't have trusted him in that regard).

To show my appreciation for the free accommodation, I organize dinner. We cook vegetarian risotto. Mia, a friend of Nike's, also comes over. She's originally from Bosnia, studies in Vienna, and speaks fluent German.


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