Waiting, waiting....

प्रकाशित भइल बा: 01.06.2019

Yes, unfortunately we are still stuck here. On Saturday, the car was finally 'ready'. The boss of our original workshop told us to drive as much as possible. Well, after 20 minutes we noticed a lot of things: the car jerks, all the hoses are leaking, and we lost a pretty important screw. So we went straight to the workshop, even though it was Saturday, but a staff member kindly let us in.

When we took a closer look, we couldn't believe it: all the fluids are leaking, even the diesel pump. The oil pan looked like a patchwork job and there's an opening between the transmission and the engine. They simply turned around the axle boot, which was damaged by the others during the removal, for them it was done. Okay, then we went to the hostel with a very bad mood. On Monday, we went to the workshop in the morning: the boss took a look and fortunately saw it the same way we did, we believe he thought we were exaggerating until then.

Now they have been working on our car since Monday, trying to undo all the shoddy work. At the same time, a staff member is trying to get some money back from the other workshop. We can't really do much, but we also don't want to leave, we want to keep an eye on it.

जबाब (2)

Kann man nur sagen "Dumm gelaufen" aber nicht den Kopf hängen lassen! Neuer Monat, neues Glück, neue Abenteuer.😎

Bei der nächsten Kontrolle mal drauf achten das ihr keine "blinde Packete" eingebaut bekommen habt. Diese könnten an der nächsten Grenze zu etwas mehr Unmut führen und ihr bekommt eine neue Behausung !l

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