We must move on

प्रकाशित भइल बा: 13.06.2019

Since everyone has written what has happened now;

The next morning, the first stop was at the workshop where he was taken. Then, a repair estimate was made, followed by a long back and forth with the insurance company.

Finally, it was decided that it is an economic write-off, as the repair would cost between 500 and 700 CHF and would take 1-1.5 weeks, which also means transport back to Switzerland.

So, in the end, I packed the car with everything I wanted to keep.

Keep your head up, let's keep going, I won't let my vacation be ruined.

We went to Bergen because I knew 'Doronas' would be there, but we stayed in a hotel instead of camping.

It was a great afternoon and a long evening 😂. Thanks to both of you!!!

Yesterday, I wanted to leave early, but it didn't work out, I had to catch up on some sleep😉.

Then, over mountains and coasts and more mountains, I'm really getting tired of these mountain drives...

I arrived in Kristiansand at 7:00 PM.

And right now, I'm waiting for the ferry to Denmark to depart.


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