Friday, 02/14, Ohakune and Tongariro National Park - to the Taranaki Falls

प्रकाशित भइल बा: 15.02.2020

After a delicious breakfast, today we take a small tour in the national park. The Tongariro National Park is almost as big as the entire city area of Berlin and includes the volcanoes Tongariro, Ngauruhoe and Ruapehu. It has been declared a World Cultural and Natural Heritage Site by UNESCO. Emerald green lakes, flowering mountain meadows and hot springs surround the largest volcanoes on the North Island and offer astonishing scenic diversity. The three volcanoes are still active, but that doesn't stop anyone from skiing down their slopes or climbing their craters - a control system warns in time of an eruption.

First, we visit the very informative National Park Visitor Center and then set off on the circular path to the Taranaki Falls. Over stock and stone, through the forest, and always with the snow mountain in view, we reach the waterfall, which is really impressive - even from behind! Time for a snack and then we continue on the circular path. Here, we particularly notice the many blooming heather. In the visitor center, we read that the English brought the heather from their homeland to make this landscape look more English.

And then - in the middle of nowhere - a toilet house. Typical for New Zealand. They are very common, very clean, there is always!!! toilet paper, sink, and soap, and they are often painted. Making pee in the wilderness is frowned upon and only allowed in urgent cases. That's why there are no toilet remains off the hiking trails. Very pleasant!!

Along the way, we find a pirate nest - especially for our many little pirates in the family.

Along the way, we also stop at an old railway viaduct that spans the Makatote Gorge at a length of 262 m at a height of 79 m.

When we arrive at the house, we meet the hardcore hikers later with beer and wine, who are pretty exhausted but found the landscape and the view into the crater very cool.

For tomorrow, we plan a little hike below Mount Ruapehu to Lake Surprise.


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