Soon it will start...

प्रकाशित भइल बा: 05.07.2023

The backpacks have been packed and unpacked, rearranged and weighed several times. At the same time, the apartment is getting emptier day by day: furniture, kitchen appliances, books - pretty much everything is gradually finding a new home with friends and family. Our farewell from Germany is approaching: we are planning to travel through Southeast Europe, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia for a year and a half. The list of countries we want to visit is so long that we recently had new passports made with extra pages to have enough space for all the entry and exit stamps and visas.

But why are we doing this? Give up our lives here, leave friends and family behind? It's not just the thirst for adventure and curiosity about other countries and people. For us, it couldn't go on here anymore. At least we need a break - to be able to recover, to be able to look beyond our own horizons again, to develop visions again and leave the rat race behind.

But we want to stay in touch with the many people we have walked together with in recent years. Many of them plan to visit us on our journey; grandmas and parents have been taught how to use video telephony software, and for everyone else, there's this blog - even though we always appreciate hearing from you and being able to continue to be part of your lives.

See you at our farewell party!


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