La Serena...

प्रकाशित भइल बा: 16.04.2018

As a conclusion to our two-week trip, we made a stop by the sea. La Serena is a small sunny and very beautiful city right on the coast. There, in our last two days, we were able to check off a few things from our bucket list and had a really great ending. Besides a trip to the Mamalluca Observatory to observe the stars through huge telescopes, we also took a day tour to the Humbolt National Reserve of Penguins. And we were able to observe not only small penguins! With a small boat, we sailed for about 2 hours over the water to a small island in the nature reserve and could observe all kinds of birds, penguins, and sea lions. On the island, you could then take a beautiful walk, accompanied by many curious seagulls, sunshine, and the fresh sea breeze.

After this great last day, we were actually looking forward to our little home in Santiago again, and we arrived there safely the next day.
