Everyday life in the Peruvian Selva

प्रकाशित भइल बा: 23.06.2024

Here in Santa Rosa, everyday life is slowly returning. I usually help out outside in the mornings and then in the afternoon I work on the computer for the Choba Choba Foundation . I really like that I can spend so much time outside and do physical work too. It's usually 30 degrees in the shade here, so it's a lot hotter in the sun. But I don't have to worry much about sunburn because we almost always wear long clothing. This is much more pleasant because it protects us from the sun as well as from mosquitoes and the small, very aggressive flies.

The day here usually starts at 6:00 a.m. (or even earlier?), because it is already light by then. I have the feeling that people here sleep much less than I do anyway ;-). Somehow everyone always goes to bed later than me, but in the morning they are already working somewhere by the time I get up at 6:30 a.m. Most of the time everyone works until 8:00-9:00 a.m. and then there is breakfast. After breakfast everyone is out and about again until 1:00-2:00 p.m. If we have time, we have a quick swim in the river before eating. It is super refreshing and because it has a rather strong current, according to the local people there are no "bad" animals in the river ;-). After lunch there is a short siesta until about 3:00-3:30 p.m. Then we continue working until it gets dark or the work is done. Of course, after work in the evening a swim in the river is part of the routine. After dinner, everyone usually sits together in the "living room". Visitors also sit together, no matter who is there. Some watch football (European Championship or Copa America), others play bingo and others just enjoy the end of the day. Time is much less "precise" here. Food is eaten as soon as it is cooked or when work is done. There are no defined times, except when you have to go on a "course boat" to Juanjui or when we have a meeting at Choba Choba. Despite the lack of time information, everything seems to work here somehow.

The local "Cooperativa Agraria Cacaotera Choba Choba", which sells cocoa beans to Choba Choba AG in Switzerland, receives visitors from time to time. Last week, for example, conservationists from a national park visited to see how the cooperative implements conservation measures locally and how it generally treats nature. All 31 cocoa farmers who are affiliated with the cooperative grow exclusively organically. The cooperative also regularly holds workshops to train members.

Such visits are always very exciting for me, as all the activities of the cooperative, but also of the other players within the Choba Choba universe, are presented and explained (here under this link you can find more information about the individual players). In addition, plots are always inspected on site and, of course, the "Jardin de Conservacion" is presented with great pride. The genetic diversity of the cocoa is "preserved" in this garden. There are currently 89 varieties that can be found in the garden. The mother trees of these variants are all scattered across the plots of the 31 members. The best variants are then later selected and further observed in a clone garden.

In the meantime, I spent another two days in Juanjui. It is very hot in the city and there is no river to cool off in. I still feel comfortable in Juanjui, because it is a very small city and I can find my way around easily. I managed the return trip all by myself. I found both the "harbor" and the right boat (everyone helps on site :-)). This time the trip was still "adventurous", but I felt comfortable among the people. No wonder, because I was given food throughout the trip ;-). This time I also dared to buy something at the "breakfast place". Coffee with milk in a bottle. A lot of food is sold here in a very practical way in plastic bags: chicken, plantains (plátano), potatoes, orange juice... basically everything. On the boat I met Santos. An older gentleman who philosophized with me about God and the world the whole way. Before he had to get off, he gave me his number so that I could visit him later in Tarapoto when I start my trip through Peru. So nice! :-)

There is a big party here on Monday to celebrate San Juan. We're also having visitors from Switzerland next week. Choba Choba AG regularly invites some partners (especially chocolatiers) from Switzerland so that they can get to know the local cocoa farmers. This will definitely be exciting again, as I can go everywhere - yay :-).

जबाब (4)

Felipe y Andrea
Hola..äääh...Allegra! Deine schönen Bilder und Reiseberichte lassen vermuten, dass Du es gut hast im fernen Peru! Sicher sehr spannend, da vieles neu !! Wir sind auf dem Rückweg von Dalmatien (Kroatien/Slovenien)..eine herrliche Gegend. Wir genossen v.a. die Plitvicer Seen, die Küstenstädtchen aus dem Frühmittelalter, die Winnetou-Filmdrehorte in den slov.Karstgebirgen, die riesigen Höhlen in Postojna, die Pferdezucht in Lipica, etc. Jetzt sind wir auf dem Rückweg und werden noch im Tessin Halt machen. Hebs guet ond bliib gsond! Herzlichst, Philippe u Andrea

Hoi Philippe, hoi Andrea Kann mich definitiv nicht beklagen: Sehr viel neu, sehr viel "anders" und sehr viel zum Lernen. Ich geniesse die Einfachheit und die Unkompliziertheit... tut gut :-). Eure Ferien müssen wohl auch super schön gewesen sein! Ich habe eure Bilder im WhatsApp-Status gesehen: Wow! Wünsche euch eine gute Heimreise und hoffe, dass Untermietertechnisch alles rund läuft ;-) Saludos Anja

Hola Anja Leider sind wir schon wieder zurück. Ich würde gerne weiterreisen und dich besuchen....tönt sehr spannend Ich bin diese Woche in Schwyz und werde die Schoggifabrik Felchlin besuchen. Ich Frage da ob sie auch Kakao von Choba AG haben 😉 Anna hat sich gut eingelebt und da sie die Stelle im Astoria verloren hat, hilft sie im Garten mit. Sie war krank für einige Tage und das wollte der Arbeitgeber nicht akzeptieren. Jetzt sucht sie sich eine neue Stelle Liebe Anja geniesse deinen spannenden Aufenthalt und die Hitze Bei uns regnet es immer wieder und es ist immer wieder sehr kühl und dann wieder schwül P.S. die Hündin keine Babys, sie hat leider nicht empfangen. Wenn wir Glück haben gibt es im November einen Welpen Lieber Gruss Andrea 👋

Hallo Andrea Das mit Anna tut mir wirklich leid... Ich hoffe aber, dass sie schnell wieder eine Stelle findet 🙏. Super, kann sie ein bisschen im Garten mithelfen. Das tut ihr sicher gut. Schade, hat es keinen Welpen gegeben für euch. Für mich aber gut, so habe ich mehr von der Welpenzeit 🥰😉 Felchlin: so viel ich weiss, produzieren/entwickeln sie auch mit Choba Choba Schoggi 🤩 Ich würde mich über einen Besuch von euch freuen...😉 Seit dieser Woche bin ich regelmässig im anderen Dörfchen: Pucallpillo. Hier läuft immer etwas und am Abend um 17:30 Uhr steht immer Fussball oder Volleyball an 🤩 am Wochenende bin ich dann (zu Erholung 😉) wieder in Santa Rosa. Wünsche euch eine gute Zeit und hoffentlich ein paar schöne Sommertage 😘🤗

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