Tour to Kagulu Rock

प्रकाशित भइल बा: 06.08.2024

We spent today on a tour to the north to Kagulu Rock. We set off around 9 o'clock. Reuben, our driver, took us out of Jinja. Then we traveled along the straight road past many roadside stalls to the north into the Kamuli District. In the village of Nawanyago, we treated ourselves to Ciapati, a type of pancake. The roads were good, but after a few meters, bumps were added, so we had to slow down. 

However, the roads were getting worse and worse, and rural life passed by us with huts and fields. Just like the motorcycle couriers (Boda Bodas), who transport several people or heavy loads. This could be mattresses, boards placed horizontally on the luggage rack, or sometimes a motorcycle on another motorcycle. Of course, it's also possible to carry both people and loads at the same time. 

Upon arriving at Kagulu Rock, we had to climb steep stairs with high steps, which was challenging. A few boys accompanied us. This place was once settled by the first settlers in this region. Idi Amin discovered the rock during a flyover and inspected it. He then ordered the construction of the stairs and wanted to build a house on the summit. This was never realized. The view of the vast land up there was wonderful. This made the descent much easier. Perhaps it was also the musical reception on the ground, which was associated with the expectation of a tip. 

A bit exhausted, we began our return journey. During a stop, we bought some sugar cane. At the villa, we first went to the pool, and Jude took his first swim. To conclude, we went to eat at Kingfisher’s Resort. 



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