Norway Day 6: Buarbreen

Публикувано: 23.08.2022

You can already see the glacier from the Buarbreen parking lot. You can also stay overnight there, the newly built restaurant for this season offers Wi-Fi and a fancy toilet.

It was very important for P to show his daughter a glacier "as long as there are still some left and they haven't all melted away due to climate change." Accordingly, she was initially reluctant because she found hiking tiring and boring - afterwards she was quite enthusiastic.

It is about 400 vertical meters from the parking lot to the glacier. You can't get all the way to the glacier tongue, which is not advisable because of the falling rocks, and in the end, continuing on foot is only allowed with a guide. But you can get close enough to get a good impression of the huge masses of ice that are melting like ice cream in the beautiful weather.


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