2018 - Unser Ostküstenroadtrip
2018 - Unser Ostküstenroadtrip

Day 9 - Harvard, Lobster, Kennebunkport and Portland

Публикувано: 04.06.2018

First, I have to apologize. We are a few days behind with our blog. That's simply because I was exhausted in the evenings after the rides and the rest of the program. Therefore, we will catch up with the last few days shortly.

On the 9th day, our journey took us from Boston to Portland.

First, we visited Harvard University in Cambridge. An impressive campus. Since it is currently summer vacation, we could only meet a few students. But anyone who studies here for $52,000 a year must have some savings - or wealthy parents. It is also interesting that Harvard is the richest university in the world, with an endowment of $37 billion.

After visiting the campus, we had to refuel. The fuel gauge had been blinking since we left the hotel. And I really didn't want Marcel and Sabrina to push the nearly 3 tons ;D. Then we went to Gloucester. The city is an important part of the American fishing industry and a popular summer destination. We limited ourselves to just driving through along the coast. Here we could also admire the large villas that lined the road.

The next stop was Rockport. A small fishing village right on the Atlantic. There we visited Roy Moore Lobster, a well-known lobster restaurant. I had wanted to eat lobster for several days. Unfortunately, there was never an opportunity or Mr. Crab didn't find any in the restaurants that offered them. Today was finally my time.

We ordered some finger food in the form of smoked salmon and some shrimp. We also ordered a freshly caught lobster. The lobsters were kept in large aquariums and scurried about on top of each other. It was really extraordinarily delicious. After the 'small' nourishment, we bought postcards and then headed to Ipswich for the Clam Box. A small snack bar that has been around since the 1930s. Mr. Crab also wanted to eat something there :D. When we arrived, Sabrina suddenly felt a bit hungry again. She only ordered a large serving of french fries. Marcel gobbled up some chicken :D.

On the tables, there was the finest Heinz Tomato Ketchup for self-service. As usual, I took the glass bottle and shook it. Splash, and I catapulted the ketchup onto the floor of the restaurant. Some fast food fetishist hadn't closed the stupid lid properly. Of course, some of it also ended up on my clothes. But it was still funny ;D. You should definitely visit this place if you are driving around in the area.

Our penultimate stop for the day was Kennebunkport. A small but very fine coastal town on the Atlantic. The weather was still sunny and warm. We drove along the legendary Ocean Avenue. Huge villa complexes were built on its sides. Many wealthy Americans have their summer residences here. On a small peninsula, there is also a mansion belonging to the Bush family. You could see and admire it well. A huge complex. Surrounded and secured like a high-security prison. In front of the house stood two big black SUVs - probably from the Secret Service. In the USA, former presidents and their families are guarded for life. We drove past the house. At one point, a fence was broken. I got out to photograph the estate from the other side as well. Surveillance cameras were positioned everywhere. When we continued driving, a black police vehicle suddenly appeared out of nowhere and followed us for several kilometers. I don't know if it had anything to do with the broken fence and my keen interest in the property. But it was exciting.

Afterwards, we strolled through the town and enjoyed the last rays of sun of the day before heading to our destination hotel in Portland.

Another beautiful day came to an end.


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