
Tag 3&4 Lyon

Публикувано: 16.09.2021

My living situation has been known since my last blog post. I will not introduce my new roommates in every blog post, because on the one hand I would not be able to keep up and on the other hand the blog would be full of Pierres from Paris, Jakes from the USA, Harrys from England,.....only one thing doesn't change, the proportion of hairy legs 😂

Day 3:

Yesterday I joined my language school group again and took a guided tour of Vieux Lyon. Passing by the facade artwork fresque des lyonnais through Saint-Georges, Saint-Jean and Saint-Paul. Janine, who led us through the beautiful narrow streets, knows every open door in the old town to access the impressive and winding courtyards. Some courtyards are accessible to tourists as they are very rich in history, for others Janine knew the code 😂 So that I don't have to write down the whole history of the beautiful old town, here are a few of the most important links:

If you have become curious through the pictures, you are welcome to read more. I'm sure there is also information available in German 😊

Yesterday was the premiere of cooking, I wanted to find out if it is possible to cook on a plate in this storage room (kitchen). And getting food permanently would quickly end my journey (6 falafel balls+1/4 lettuce leaf+1 teaspoon of sauce = 6 euros)

I set a new record in preparing spaghetti with tomato sauce (from the jar): 45 minutes 🎉 This process doesn't deserve the definition of cooking. Unfortunately, the weather yesterday didn't allow much more, parce-qu'il pleut 🌧, therefore, remain in bed.

Day 4:

Yay, all my homework was correct, I also made a lot of effort 😊 Otherwise, I had my first encounter with a ticket machine (not for the metro) in French and bought my ticket to Cassis ☀️ I hope the ticket is for Cassis and not for a predicament.

Afterwards, there was a trip to Maison du Monde, where I could test sit on my future sofa and have the fabric samples shown to me in my hard-earned French. When the sofa is delivered, I will let you participate in the chosen one. Every day a little more is added and I am coping bravely, and I am also adapting more and more to the French customs. Traffic lights are only street lights and zebra crossings are only decorations 😂

The level of serenity and contentment is also increasing more and more, you no longer think about some things, you just do them: leaving the toothbrush at the communal washbasin while going to the toilet. (would have been unthinkable 3 days ago) Anyone who knows what a communal bathroom in a hostel looks like knows exactly what I'm talking about 😂


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