Thanksgiving break

Публикувано: 27.11.2020

Hello hello,

there's something to talk about again. 🤗

This week I went on a lot of trail rides. I enjoyed just riding and feeling the wind in my hair. 💨

On Tuesday evening, my host family took me to an event called 'Lights on the lake'. You could drive through arcs of lights around the lake and see many figures in different colors. It was really beautiful! ☺️ (see pictures)

In the pictures, I'll show you a little bit of the ranch. The three horses have an outdoor paddock where they spend most of their time. I think the small barn is very modern and cute. 😅🥰

Here you can also see the cats who sleep in bed with me. It's a bit strange if you're not used to it. 😂 Even when they suddenly lie on top of you or try to catch your feet under the blanket at night, it can be quite surprising. 😂 They also like to lie on my homework. I'm starting to think that the excuse "I can't do my homework because my cat was lying on it" is actually true. 😂

On Wednesday, we did a little bit of Christmas shopping for our room at the ranch in Pennsylvania. We thought we would get a small real Christmas tree and decorate it. I mean, why not? 😂

Speaking of Christmas: When I arrived at my host family last Saturday, they gave me an Advent calendar as a gift. Isn't that sweet? 😍 Well, now I have two chocolate Advent calendars, but it's better to have two than none at all. 😜

On Thursday (November 26th), we had the big American festival THANKSGIVING. 🎉 However, in the morning, I heard from my family that my other guinea pig had a stroke during a visit to the vet. Especially on this day, we ask ourselves what we are grateful for. In any case, I'm grateful that she had the stroke at the vet's and that he was able to intervene immediately! She's already feeling better now. 🙏🏻

After church, we had a big Thanksgiving meal with the whole family. Before that, we had an appetizer. The traditional turkey was served with mashed potatoes and roasted vegetables. The turkey was topped with cranberry sauce. Afterward, we had three different pies: apple pie, Nutella pie, and pumpkin pie. It's typical to play games and spend time together as a family. In the evening, as expected, we had turkey sandwiches. 😂

I often watch movies in English with English subtitles. I have a bit more time now. It's not too difficult for me to understand what's being said. I think it's a good way to improve my English. But even if I could watch the movies in German, I still watch them in English. 😃

I'm already going back next Monday. Then we have 2 1/2 weeks of classes, and then we have a 2-week Christmas break. I also have plans for the Christmas holidays. 😅 But I'll tell you more about that when the time comes. I'm definitely looking forward to it! 😄

I think that's already quite a lot that happened this week.

See you! 😉


Hello hello, 

gives again a little something to tell. 🤗

I rode a lot this week. I enjoyed just riding and feeling the wind in my hair. 💨 

Tuesday evening my host family took me to an event called 'Lights on the lake'. Around the lake you could drive through arcs of lights and see many figures in different colors. It was really beautiful! ☺️ (see pictures) 

On the pictures I show you a little bit of the ranch. The three horses have an outside pen, where they are also the most. I find the small barn very modern and cute. 😅🥰 

Here you can also see the cats that sleep in bed with me. It is funny if you are not used to it. 😂 Even if they lie on top of you at once or try to catch your feet under the blanket at night. Then I already had the one or other shock moment. 😂 On my projects they also just lie down. Meanwhile I believe the excuse: 'I can't do homework because my cat was lying on it. 😂 

Then on Wednesday we went Christmas shopping for our room at the ranch in Pennsylvania. We thought about getting a little real Christmas tree and decorating it. I mean, why not? 😂

Speaking of Christmas: When I arrived at my host family last Saturday, I simply got an Advent calendar as a gift. Isn't that sweet? 😍 Well, now I have two chocolate Advent calendars, but better two than none. 😜 

On Thursday (November 26th) we had the great American festival THANKSGIVING. 🎉 However, I heard from my family in the morning that my other guinea pig had a stroke during a visit to the doctor. Especially on this day you ask yourself the question what you are thankful for. In any case, I am thankful that she had the stroke at the doctor's and that he could intervene directly! She is already better now. 🙏🏻

After church, there was a big Thanksgiving dinner with the whole family. Before that there was a starter. The traditional turkey was served with mashed potatoes and roasted vegetables. The turkey was topped with cranberry sauce. There were three different Pie's afterwards. Apple Pie, Nutella Pie and Pumpkin Pie. Typical is to play games with the family and have fellowship. In the evening we had - as expected - turkey sandwich. 😂 

I often watch movies in English with English subtitles. I just have a little more time. It's not too difficult for me to understand what is being said. I think it's a good thing to improve your English. But even if I can watch the movies in German, I see them in English. 😃

Next monday I'll go back again. Then we have 2 1/2 weeks of classes and then it's already Christmas break for 2 weeks. I also have plans for the Christmas vacations. 😅 But more about that when the time is right. I am looking forward to it in any case! 😄

I think that was some of the things that happened this week.

See you! 😉


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