How it feels...

Публикувано: 07.06.2019

What does it feel like when there are only three weeks left before the long-awaited end and a new adventure begins?

This topic has been on our minds in the last few days. On one hand, there is a huge excitement. You are excited about things that you have dreamed about for a long time: the long-awaited end of the school year, the "finally starting to pack" feeling, the "finally it's starting" feeling, and what it will be like to embark on a great adventure.

But on the other hand, there are many things that need to be done, and they are not the fun things that come with starting a journey. Vaccinations, adjusting insurance, dealing with banking matters, packing boxes... In doing so, you become aware again of what lies ahead. A year full of adventures and new challenges that you will probably rarely experience in everyday life. Becoming aware of all the things we have in beautiful Switzerland, enjoying nature and all its facets to the fullest. Because you never know when you will experience it again in this form. Spending time with friends and family and enjoying it intensely once more. Everything is so close and easy now, but you won't have this luxury for a year.

You realize that time is ticking... as fast as you wish for the three weeks to pass, you also have the panic inside you about everything that still needs to be done and the emotional roller coaster you will experience during this time. But in the end, anticipation is the most beautiful joy, and you will (hopefully) figure everything out somehow. In this sense, we plunge once again into the madness of everyday life until we can tell our muyromantico moments.


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