
Tag 84: through rice, salt, and fish plantations

Публикувано: 28.05.2018

Our route today took us along the coast again towards the north. Our goal is to be in Hoi An in two days as there is a light festival in the city center every night before the full moon. This was recommended to us in the last hostel and is considered one of the highlights in Vietnam. Since we cannot cover the total distance of over 300km there in one day, we drove over 200km of the route today. On the way, we crossed countless areas where either fish, rice, or salt is produced. Today, Markus had minor problems with his motorbike again. But a very competent mechanic helped us get his motorbike back on track.

When we arrived in Quang Ngai, we were greeted by exceptionally friendly and somewhat crazy hotel owners. We had chicken soup for dinner and then watched the Formula One race in Monaco. What they drive in a few minutes on the track is a long and tiring daily stage for us...


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