I don't want to say much about our visit to the Maya ruins in Uxmal, about an hour away from Mérida. Just this much: It was a successful day trip with Claudia and her roommates :-) Group photo at the entrance to the ruins [/uploads/b5ddfce0-c40e-11e7-bc4a-5d3b860041d4.JPG_large.jpg]Group photo at the entrance to the ruins Two residents of the ruins [/uploads/f208f8f0-c40e-11e7-bc4a-5d3b860041d4.JPG_large.jpg]Two residents of the ruins Maya ruins Uxmal [/uploads/668b53d0-c40f-11e7-bc4a-5d3b860041d4.JPG_large.jpg]Maya ruins Uxmal Maya ruins Uxmal [/uploads/67bcf600-c40f-11e7-bc4a-5d3b860041d4.JPG_large.jpg]Maya ruins Uxmal Maya ruins Uxmal [/uploads/860fdeb0-c40f-11e7-bc4a-5d3b860041d4.JPG_large.jpg]Maya ruins Uxmal Maya ruins Uxmal [/uploads/981f4870-c40f-11e7-bc4a-5d3b860041d4.JPG_large.jpg]Maya ruins Uxmal Maya ruins Uxmal [/uploads/dac708c0-c40f-11e7-bc4a-5d3b860041d4.JPG_large.jpg]Maya ruins Uxmal Maya ruins Uxmal [/uploads/20242510-c410-11e7-bc4a-5d3b860041d4.JPG_large.jpg]Maya ruins Uxmal Maya ruins Uxmal [/uploads/5310f2f0-c410-11e7-bc4a-5d3b860041d4.JPG_large.jpg]Maya ruins Uxmal