10 to Malaga

Публикувано: 25.03.2024

Distance 90 kilometers, cum. 867 kilometers | Altitude 630, cum. 5,910

Yesterday there was still water for nature in the evening. I was glad not to be on the eBike anymore because it was raining heavily. I also don't have a rain jacket at the moment. If everything goes well, it should arrive in Malaga tomorrow. One reason to take a day off. I don't need it because I'm tired; on the contrary, I feel fitter every day.

Yesterday and today I had a relatively short tour, less than 100 kilometers. The weather should actually stay dry all day and even get nicer. But the weather didn't want to stick to it and at the moment, I'm sitting in the restaurant, it's actually raining quite heavily. But my rain jacket is almost within reach, so I'll wait and drink tea. I just ordered it.

I still didn't have to freeze today. Right at the beginning it went up and down a few times. They solved it better here in front of Malaga. Three tunnels were built for pedestrians and cyclists. But also on the way I had to go through a car tunnel three times, the longest of which was 650 meters. Later, to compensate, we went directly along the coast, almost alone without tourists. That's the advantage of bad weather.

Unfortunately for me, there weren't that many photos today. There would have been many beautiful subjects, but on the one hand the light wasn't good and on the other hand I didn't feel like it in the rain. In some of the photos at the end you can clearly see how much water there is on the paths.

Regarding my arrival in Malaga, I made a mistake by over 10 kilometers. The reason for this was the 3 tunnels, which I read were the “gateway” to Malaga. Since it started to rain heavily shortly afterwards, I preferred to wait in the restaurant for drier weather. Only then did I realize my mistake. I apologize to everyone to whom I happily informed of my arrival via WhatsApp.

But now I've managed it and found Benjamin's address straight away, with whom I can stay until my rain jacket arrives. By the way, this happened with the rear-view mirror that had fallen off in the trailer in Valencia.

Now I'm really looking forward to a cozy evening with Benjamin, who I met as a friend of André in Buenos Aires.


Ayer por la tarde todavía había water para la naturaleza. I just didn't turn on the mount on the eBike, but it didn't move much. Tampoco tengo impermeable en este momento. You are now living in Málaga. A razón para tomarse a day libre. No lo necesito porque esté cansado, al contrario, cada día me siento más en forma.

Yes, you can do a relatively short distance, within 100 kilometers. In this case, the air conditioning lasts continuously throughout the day and is included. During this time we have no friends and in this moment we are sent to the restaurant, the place is always alive. However, my impermeable está casi in my alcance, así que esperaré y tomaré té. Lo acabo de ordenar.

You don't have to worry about congelarme hoy. Al principle subió y bajó varias veces. The solution is better than before in Málaga. It constructed three tunnels for peatones and cyclists. This is on the camino that you can walk through a tunnel for cars, which is about 650 meters long. Luego, para compensar, fuimos directamente por la costa, casi solos y sin turistas. This is the time of the moment.

Desafortunadamente para mí, hoy no hubo tantas photos. Habría habido has a lot of motivos good, but for a lado lado la luz no era buena y por otro lado no tenía ganas bajo la lluvia. In the photos at the end you can see the water on the streets.

In my case in Málaga, I am equivalent to more than 10 kilometers. The razón de esto los 3 tunnels, which leads to the "puerta de entrada" in Málaga. If you love it a lot, you prefer to eat in the restaurant after a longer period of time. This just tells me about my error. Pido disculpas a todos a quienes informé feelelizmente de mi llegada via WhatsApp.

Pero ahora lo he conseguido y enseguida encontré la dirección de Benjamín, con quien puedo quedarme hasta que llegue mi chubasquero. Por cierto, esto pasó with the retrovisor that has been placed in the trailer in Valencia.

Ahora tengo manyas ganas de pasar una velada acogedora with Benjamin, a quien conocí like friend de André in Buenos Aires.

Yesterday evening there was still water for nature. I was glad not to be on the eBike any more because there was a heavy thunderstorm. And I don't have a rain jacket at the moment. If everything goes well, it should arrive in Malaga tomorrow. Another reason to take a day off. I don't need it because of the tiredness, on the contrary, I feel fitter every day.

Yesterday and today I had a relatively short tour, less than 100 kilometers. The weather was supposed to stay dry all day and even get better. But the weather didn't want to stick to that and right now, I'm sitting in the restaurant, it's actually raining quite heavily. But my rain jacket is almost within reach, so I'll wait and drink tea. I've just ordered it.

Today I didn't have to freeze though. Right at the beginning there were a few big ups and downs. They solved that better here in front of Malaga. Three tunnels were built for pedestrians and cyclists. But I also had to go through a car tunnel three times on the way, the longest of which was 650 meters. To compensate, I later went directly along the coast, almost alone without tourists. That's the advantage of bad weather.

To my chagrin, there weren't that many photos today. There would have been a lot of beautiful subjects, but on the one hand the light wasn't good and on the other hand I didn't feel like it in the rain. In some of the photos at the end you can clearly see how much water is on the paths.

Regarding my arrival in Malaga, I was over 10 kilometers off. The reason for this was the 3 tunnels that I had read were the "gateway" to Malaga. As it started to rain very heavily shortly afterwards, I preferred to wait in the restaurant for drier weather. Only then did I realize my mistake. I apologize to everyone to whom I had already happily informed my arrival via WhatsApp.

But now I've managed it after all and immediately found Benjamin's address, with whom I can stay until my rain jacket arrives. This, by the way, was with the rear-view mirror that had fallen off in the trailer in Valencia.

Now I'm really looking forward to a cozy evening with Benjamin, who I met as a friend of André in Buenos Aires.


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