08.02.2020, trip to the botanical garden and a complicated return journey...

Публикувано: 26.02.2020

This morning I went alone with the Trotro to Aburi in the Botanical Garden. To get there, I had to change in Madina.
Fortunately, I quickly found the right Trotro there. It's really not that easy because there are probably 50 Trotros standing everywhere and street vendors are scattered around, trying to sell you all sorts of things. I then regretted a bit that I sat in the front because I thought at least 10 times that we were going to run over someone in the next moment. Then we went to Aburi at speeds of up to 100 km/h. Also not a relaxing matter when you can't fasten your seatbelt and people here drive as they please. They even change lanes at the last moment without signaling. So it can get pretty wild here.
The honking is constant and if something doesn't suit someone, they like to shout out the window. Oh, by the way, motorcyclists don't consider it necessary to wear a helmet here, and the children who ride with them don't wear helmets either.

But then I arrived safely after half an hour.
The Botanical Garden is really beautiful and quiet. Especially the climate there was very pleasant because Aburi is located a bit higher. In the garden itself, I didn't do much except relax, listen to a podcast, and read. Also, quite a few people wanted to take a photo with me again, and several approached me and asked where I come from and what I'm doing here. Some were very friendly, while others were a bit too pushy. It should also be mentioned that here, only men approach you. Women hardly do.

Later, I watched a Ghanaian wedding. In total, three different couples got married there on this day. It seems to be very popular there.

The return journey was not so relaxing for me as I unfortunately caught the wrong Trotro in Madina and ended up in Accra. In Accra, a Trotro driver helped me and showed me the Trotro that goes towards Teshie. However, it turned out during the journey that it was the wrong one again and the man had misunderstood. By now, my nerves were pretty much shot... Fortunately, someone then helped me, got off with me, and made sure I really got home. And that worked out! The return journey unintentionally extended from one hour to three hours. But it was still an interesting experience, and I saw completely different things again.

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