Aus Bremen nach Down Under
Aus Bremen nach Down Under

Back in Sydney

Публикувано: 29.12.2016

After three beautiful days on Fraser Island, it was time to go back to the mainland. Within a few days, we had to cover the 1300 kilometers to Sydney, as on the 22nd our friend Niklas' plane back to Germany was leaving.

Originally, we wanted to immerse ourselves in the nightlife of Brisbane again on the evening of our return, but completely exhausted from the impressions of the last few days and the long drive, we fell into bed.

The next day, we continued southward, with a Hamburg girl in our luggage who needed a lift from Brisbane to Sydney. Because what do you do when three people in a camper van is too tight......right, you bring in a fourth person.

In the evening, we continued driving, with a high beam that is comparable to a tea light. While the oncoming trucks with their oversized headlights never had the mood to dim their lights. Why bother with traffic safety when you can let a few antisocial backpackers die in a ditch.

After exhausting 600 kilometers followed by a horror movie-like forest scenery, we made a stop to sleep.

The next morning, we continued driving and after another 400 kilometers and the obligatory Burger King visit on the highway, we finally arrived in Sydney.

It already felt a bit like home, at least like home in Australia, after all, it was the first familiar place in a month.

In Sydney, we naturally had two missions again, namely to make the nightlife uncertain and to freshen up our sunburn at Bondi Beach.

After 1 month, we met Mr. Sunburn Lars again and went to the World Bar.

However, the evening was clouded by a sewage-like smell coming from the club's air conditioning.

From the next day on, the obligatory routine again: beach, Burger King, pre-drinks.

Only this time we went to the familiar Larry, after all, it was Nikis' last evening and our former classmates Emmy and Nalan were also there.

So we parked our van in the nearby parking garage, where the night parking supposedly costs only $12, more on that later.

So off to the club and after a few hours of partying and the obligatory Burger King visit, we went back to the car to drive Niklas to the airport.

But then the big shock, not only did the night parking suddenly cost $64, but we couldn't even get our van out of the parking garage because all gates were closed. So Niklas had to quickly take a taxi and the two of us had to spend a night in the parking garage, well, it's also an experience.

The next day, we finally moved into the house that we had rented for the Christmas/New Year period with our school friend Max aka Olaf. A true paradise, we finally had electricity, Wi-Fi, and our own bed, you learn to appreciate it all here.

After a day of rest, Christmas Eve finally arrived and after a meat-rich Christmas dinner, it was time to go back to the nightlife.

The next day, we immersed ourselves in Australian Christmas culture and joined seemingly all the inhabitants of Sydney at Bondi Beach on Boxing Day.

On the 26th of December, it was time for the Boxing Day, which is a kind of end-of-summer sale that is compressed into one day and thus takes on chaotic proportions.

So we fought our way through completely crowded city centers in search of bargains and, of course, spent way too much money again.

In the next few days, the infamous New Year's Eve celebration in Sydney is coming up, which will be the subject of another entry.

See you.
