Sapa, a city sinking in fog

Публикувано: 11.10.2016

Yuhu, we slept splendidly here in the mountains, just like Heidi with her Almöhi ;-)... When I pulled the curtains, all I could see was a wall of fog, it was quite intense because I couldn't even see the neighboring house, despite wearing glasses;-) So the cable car ride to Fansipan was out of the question :-(....too bad...!

Well, after breakfast, the fog partially disappeared, so we set off on foot to the Hmong village. On the way there - almost the entire time downhill - we encountered local women with their children trying to sell us various things. Even though it's hard to resist the dark brown eyes of the children, you should not buy anything from them. After a good 2.6 km, we arrived at the village and what we saw there was incredible.

There is a designated tour that you should take. So, we walked along the small stone path - downhill again. On the left and right were small stands where the locals sold their homemade goods. Free-roaming dogs, chickens, pigs, and cats ran between us. In some places, it smelled terrible and as we went further, we could see the Hmong huts, this is really how they live. Absolutely crazy, a hole in the ground serves as a toilet and the food is stored in plastic bowls full of water in front of the huts. The locals are very friendly and allow you to take photos of them. But you should definitely ask beforehand! Something very funny was that somehow every local had a mobile phone, not some old thing, no, a Samsung Galaxy Edge :()!

At the end of the village, you reach the famous Cat Cat Waterfall. To be able to see it, we had to go down a steep stone staircase. Due to the fog, the stones were partly very slippery and I almost slipped. Thanks to Daniela, I didn't slide down on my bottom... phew, that was scary.

So, the tour was over and I already thought to myself 'hm, it only went downhill, so logical conclusion Blondie - everything has to be walked uphill again'! That was soooo disgusting in this weather, the humidity, the light drizzle, just terrible, at times I thought my head would explode :-(!

On the way to dinner, we passed by a very beautiful building that piqued our curiosity. That's how I got to see the inside of my first Buddha temple 😉!

Conclusion - it was already an exhausting and exciting day and tomorrow the sun is actually supposed to shine here. If that's true, nothing will stop us from taking the cable car to Fansipan! 😊

Отговор (2)

Monika schreibt: Bin von deinen täglichen Reiseberichten begeistert. Du schilderst so lebendig, dass ich meine ich wäre dabei. Auch die Fotos sind Spitze. Besser als ein Reiseführer. Freue mich auf weitere Berichte und Fotos.

Dein Tagesbericht war echt wieder supi Änki! Ich weiß ja nicht wie es den anderen geht, aber wenn ich nach einem langen Tag nach Hause komme, freue ich mich richtig auf die Bilder von euch und deinen Bericht! ! Würde mal sagen :" Welt "! ! Wünsche euch jetzt nur für Morgen gaaanz viel Sonne! !! Finde nämlich schon, dass dann alles noch schöner wirkt und man fühlt sich wohler, gell? !! Hier ist es übrigens kühler geworden und es wird immer früher dunkel. ..leeeider! !!!!! Dafür gewinnen wir gerade das Fußball - Länderspiel gegen Irland. ..yippi.!! Es steht 2:0 ! So jetzt habt ihr auch mal wieder ein bissel aus der Heimat gehört! ! ....grins 😊! ! Weiterhin nice hollidays. ..Good Night. ..und liebe Grüße Sanni

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