Rund um Biscarosse

Апублікавана: 14.05.2022

We set off on our way to the Dune de Pilat, driving through the Biscarosse district, which has a lot to offer.

We make a stop at Lake Aureilhan and take a great walk with Schnuffi. Then we continue towards the dune. The more touristy it gets, the harder it is to find a parking spot that is somewhat legal.

We find a nice spot at Plage de Petit Nice. In the middle of the forest is a large area between the trees where about 35 campers have already gathered. Although the parking spot is very crowded, it is surprisingly quiet. We also find a shady spot and experience a super beautiful beach with a fantastic sunset.

Paragliders use the thermals of the high dunes and stand almost motionless in the air. Our Schnuffi energetically barks at these flying objects...


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