9. Tag - Day 9 (for english scroll donw)

Апублікавана: 20.07.2018

This morning we went to the Monterey Aquarium. It was very well done, animal-friendly, and informative. Unfortunately, we're not very good at parking in the US. First, we paid a neighbor's parking meter, then we were told that you can park for free for 2 hours, and finally, when we came out of the aquarium, we had a $35 fine because we hadn't paid... Now I have to find out how to pay this. Then we took Highway 1 again, enjoyed the incredibly beautiful coastline, had our first TacoBell of our lives, restocked on strawberries and peaches at the organic farmer's, and arrived in San Francisco in the late afternoon. They said that there is less fog in the afternoon at the Golden Gate Bridge, so we headed there right away. There was fog too, along with an incredibly strong wind that almost blew us away from the viewpoint ;-) We will try again tomorrow. We had a delicious Spanish dinner to keep in the 'groov'. San Francisco is so different from what we have seen so far. We are overwhelmed by the variety that the USA offers us and are looking forward to what awaits us.

Today we visited the Monterey Aquarium. It is really well done, animal friendly and informative. Unfortunately we haven't figured out the parking rules in this country. The first time we paid the parkometer of the neighbor, then we were told that the first 2 hours are free, only to come back from the Aquarium and find a fine of $35 because we had not paid the first 2 hours... now I have to find out how to pay this fine..
Thereafter we hit the Highway 1 road again, enjoyed the beautiful coastline, tried our first TacoBell ever, bought fresh organic strawberries and Nectarines from the farmer, and arrived late afternoon in San Francisco. We were told that there is less fog in the afternoon around the Golden Gate Bridge so we headed straight to it. Unfortunately, it not only had loads of fog, but also such a strong wind that blew us nearly away from the Viewpoint :-) We shall try it tomorrow again. For Dinner we visited a Spanish Restaurant just to remain in the groov. San Francisco is really different to what we have seen so far. We are very overwhelmed by the variety the US has to offer- and there is more to come:-) we are very excited.


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